Ordinary Extraordinary

Christina Donnelly
2 min readJun 19, 2021

We can spend days, months, years lamenting the ordinary. We can look at the chores yet to complete, the work that must be done and drag through day until night hoping for something extraordinary to happen to us. We forget about the ordinary extraordinary in every moment. Is it not amazing that you opened your eyes today and took in a breath into your lungs that are exactly yours and unlike anyone else? A single breath..how extraordinary!

There is a cup of coffee on the porch as the day starts that feels rich and warm and wraps you with a blanket of comfort as you awaken to the possibility of the day. The morning birds can seem ordinary for sure, but look closely, these tiny winged creatures are miracles of nature. Efficiency of breath and energy manifested in tiny form with the ability of song to lift the darkest spirits.

There is the warmth of the rays of sun on a face turned to the sky. Does it feel ordinary to have your skin caressed with glowing light? Put your hands in the soil and feel the magic of the ordinary extraordinary with your own two hands. The pushing up of green all around and the ability to grow more in abundance with attention, and time, and care. How glorious!

A walk in the evening with the moon rising high in the sky and lighting your way. An ordinary walk after an ordinary day. I can walk sharing my heart and my time with the moon or friends I gather along the way, and this feels so much more than ordinary to me. I can be grateful for just these things. No need to try to manifest anything in particular. It’s all here already, and if I look closely, listen, and be present to now, I have everything I could need. And tomorrow I get to do it all over again. No..not the ordinary, the ordinary extraordinary.



Christina Donnelly

Researcher by day writer by night. INFJ and new to this whole sharing thing. I enjoy exploring the natural world, relationships, and my link to them both!